By filling this form you agree to the following:
I understand that my child could be learning circus skills such as tumbling, juggling, devil sticks, hula hoops, etc. There will be experienced trainers teaching the workshops.
All these skills involve physical exertion. We always encourages and highlights the need for correct warm-ups and cool-downs. All children participating in this activity will be required to warm-up and cool-down.I recognise that potentially severe injuries, including sprains, strains, broken bones, permanent paralysis or death, can occur in any activity involving height or motion or juggling. I understand and accept that risk. I also realise my child may be performing and training using various training devices. Therefore, in consideration for allowing my child to use Parados' equipment and facilities, I hereby forever release Parados, its management committee, officers, employees, trainers, and coaches from all liability for any and all damage and injuries suffered by my child while under the instruction, supervision or control of Parados, its management committee, officers, employees, teachers or coaches.
I hereby agree to individually protect for the possible future medical expenses which may be incurred as a result of any injury sustained by my child while training or performing at, for, or under the direction of Parados.
I hereby give permission for the Parados Staff to give the immediately necessary authority on my behalf for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities for my child, where it would be contrary to my interest, in the doctor's medical opinion, if for any reason I cannot give my personal consent.
This acknowledgment of risk, waiver of liability and emergency medical consent form, having been read thoroughly and understood completely, is signed voluntarily as to its content and intent.